“Discover How To Eliminate
The Chaos of Mortgage Financing
And Virtually Guarantee You’ll Be Approved”

Never lose another deal again due to lack of financing
Learn creative ways to re-use your down payment
Simplify and de-stress your closings by following a system

From the desk of Paul Blacquiere
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Dear stressed out investor,

Have you ever experienced the chaos of buying your first investment property, and wondered if there was a better way?

Have you ever tried to get last-minute financing approval, and wondered why it was DENIED even though all the numbers looked good?

You're not alone.

The Problem

When I first got started investing in real estate, I found a mobile mortgage specialist who worked with a local bank.

She was incredible — for every property I bought, it seemed like all I did was sign a couple of pieces of paper and I was approved!

Well that was back in 2002, and lenders were approving mortgages more easily back then.

Fast forward a few years, and I hit a ‘brick wall’ with that bank – their residential department wouldn’t lend me any more money, but they offered to pass me on to their commercial department.

That wasn’t good because it carried with it higher interest rates, lower loan amounts, higher fees, etc.

So I started working with a mortgage broker and very quickly discovered I had previously been on ‘easy street’.

Qualifying for mortgages seemed like a chore! I had to fill out applications and provide a mountain of paperwork.

And every time I thought I had it all figured out, the lender came back requesting more.

I thought I knew what lender’s wanted, but I very quickly learned that I didn’t have a clue.

My Solution

I spent a quite few years in chaos, stumbling through mortgage applications, trying to figure out the right process.

And then one day it happened…

My financing was approved quickly!

So I repeated the process again and again, and each time I was approved quickly.

Needless to say, I was ecstatic!

I had finally cracked the code
for getting quick approvals

When I started teaching people how to invest in real estate back in 2007, financing was one of the biggest hurdles that students had.

So I put together a live course on how to get financing approved fast, allowing students to spend more time and energy on closing deals, instead of pulling their hair out in frustration while dealing with lenders.

Students LOVED the course and I kept hearing success stories about how easily they got their financing approved.

But there was one problem… it was a LIVE course held in Ottawa, which meant if you didn’t live nearby or couldn’t afford to travel, you were out of luck — until now!

I finally decided to convert the live course into an online format, to allow anyone, anywhere in Canada to benefit from this system.

The course is called…

Securing Financing and
Closing More Deals

Here’s a sample of what this course will show you…

  • 7 critical steps to closing a deal – miss one, and you could lose a lot of money
  • How to ensure you spend the least amount of money… even if a deal falls through
  • 3 reasons why you must ALWAYS verify financial information provided by a property seller
  • 6 reasons why you should always get a property inspection
  • How to get lenders to say yes… the first time
  • 3 CRITICAL things you need before waiving conditions on your offer
  • 2 traditional sources of financing and which one is best to use
  • 4 sources of down payment money you never knew you had
  • How to re-use your down payment money AGAIN and AGAIN
  • And MUCH more!

Get Instant Access

I Already Have A Mortgage Broker…
Why Do I Need Your Course?

In my experience, not all mortgage brokers know how to deal with investors.

Even for the ones that do, my course will show you how to make their job easier, which translates into a much smoother approval process for you.

This training can help you…

  • Virtually guarantee you’ll be approved for financing, even on last-minute applications
  • Reduce your stress when closing every deal by knowing up front exactly what to expect at each stage
  • Close on more deals by ensuring your financing and all the other critical elements are taken care of
  • Simplify the financing process by following an easy-to-follow repeatable system
  • Gain confidence to take action and make more offers, knowing you can successfully close on the deal

And don’t forget that some tips like how to ensure spending the least amount of money for deals that fall through and how to re-use your down payment money, can EASILY save you 10x to 100x the cost of the course (for EACH deal!)

Grab Your Copy Now

What Do I Get With The Course?

The course is available in digital format inside my “Private Member’s Only Area”, so you can have instant access and review it any time you want.

Step-By-Step Video Recordings

In these video recordings, I take you step-by-step through the entire financing process, including:

  • How to deal with your lawyer, inspector and insurance broker
  • Differences between residential and commercial property
  • How to reduce and even re-use your down payment for
    multiple deals
  • Qualifying as an individual, a self-employed professional, and as a corporation
  • And much more

I also give many tips and suggestions based on my personal experiences over many years of investing.

It’s like having a mentor right there beside you showing exactly what to do at each stage of the process!

Value $247

Templates, Form Letters & Spreadsheets

Over the years, I created many document templates, form letters, and even spreadsheets.

These helped me quickly gather all the information that was required by the lenders.

You’ll get access to all of these, along with a detailed instructional video, in the Private Member’s Area:

  • Insurance Quote Template – Be ready with answers to all the questions your insurance broker will ask you… before they ask them!
  • Tenant Acknowledgement form letter – Buying a property where some tenants don’t have leases? You’ll need this form to provide proof to the bank
  • Lawyer form letter – Ever tried to buy a property, but your lawyer or their staff weren’t on the same page as you? This letter will solve that problem
  • And much more

These documents will save you an incredible amount of time, and ensure your entire deal closes quickly and smoothly.

Value $197

Action Assignments

Knowledge without action is wasted

Ever bought a course and left it sitting on your shelf or on your hard drive, doing nothing?

In this course, I’ll challenge you to complete action assignments that will help you immediately apply what you’ve learned.

It’s like having a mentor, right by your side, nudging you to take action!

The best part? You’ll remember more of what you learned, and you’ll start to see instant results.

Value $47

Video Course, Resources and Assignments
Value $491

Click To Get It Right Now

Bonus #1: Detailed Financing Checklist

One of the most requested items from my past students is a detailed checklist showing exactly what you need to do at each step of the financing process.

I spent many hours putting one together, and combined with the rest of the course materials, it’s a powerful tool to help you get your financing approved quickly and easily – without missing a step.

Value $97

Bonus #2: Private Webinar Recording

I held a private webinar for my local students with my mortgage broker to dispel the myths about credit.

He also showed my students exactly how they can improve their score, get lower mortgage rates, and more.

This 90-minute presentation can’t be found anywhere else, and you get it included for free with your course purchase.

Value $97

Total Value $685

Your Educational Investment
Only $197

Click Here For Instant Online Access

“Securing Financing & Closing More Deals” is a web-based training program accessible in my Private Member’s Area.

You will need a web browser capable of playing MP4 video (most modern browsers do).

After signing up, your account will be instantly activated and you will have access to the video training, resources, and other bonuses.


Remember, if all this course does is…

  • Save you $500 from having to do a property inspection
  • Help you close a great deal at the last minute that earns you tens of thousands in profit
  • Drastically reduces the stress of closing on a deal and allows you to get back your TIME…

…then this course has paid off. Get your copy right now

I’ve seen what this course can do for my students, and I know it can help YOU get your next financing approval more quickly and easily.

Here’s my guarantee…

Try It Risk-Free For The Next 30 Days

100% Risk-Free No Hassles Guarantee

Order the course and take the next 30 days to try everything out.

If you don’t think the my techniques and tools will save time financing your next deal, and get approvals faster, more easily, and with less stress, then I’ll refund every penny.

No Risk and No Hassles. Guaranteed.

YES! I Want Instant Access Now!

I understand I'll receive the following:

  • Step-by-Step Video Training
  • Templates, Forms and Spreadsheets
  • Action Assignments
  • Bonus #1: Detailed Financing Checklist
  • Bonus #2: Private Webinar Video Recording

I also understand I’m protected by your 100% Risk-Free No Hassles Guarantee, so I have no risk in ordering.

Your Educational Investment
Only $197

>> Click Here to get instant access <<

All prices are in Canadian dollars (CAD). GST/HST extra.

“Securing Financing & Closing More Deals” is a web-based training program accessible in my Private Member’s Area.

You will need a web browser capable of playing MP4 video (most modern browsers do).

After signing up, your account will be instantly activated and you will have access to the video training, resources, and other bonuses.

To your success,

– Paul Blacquiere

P.S. – Don’t close on another investment property without learning how to save money, reduce stress, and make the entire approval process smooth and easy.